Sustainable Savors

at Loews Hotels

Where Quality, Concept, and Sustainability Intersect

Indulge in innovative culinary offerings, hand-crafted beverages, and local influences, curated with a good-for-you and a good-for-the-environment approach.

Discover Freshly Rooted by Loews Hotels, where sustainability takes center stage. We're bringing the freshest, locally sourced salads to your plate, celebrating regional agriculture, and supporting trusted local farms. Freshly Rooted features a rotating selection of seasonal salads, each a testament to our commitment to responsible sourcing and the well-being of our guests. You'll taste the difference of honest food and honest partnerships, available throughout our restaurants.

At Loews Hotels & Co we are committed to culinary excellence from hiring talent to sourcing products to menu concepting. We take sustainability and bio-dynamics seriously and incorporate them into the entire food and beverage experience across the brand.

As a brand with 26 hotels Loews Hotels is able to assure that all standards, policies, and purchasing are adhered to at each and every property. Even plant-based chef specials and custom-crafted zero-alcoholic beverages are on the menu at all of our locations. We do this all while ensuring that the best of each of our destinations is integrated into the experience organically and flawlessly.

Innovative food and beverage is about re-investment in both product and equipment, creativity, programming, and sourcing responsibly. Loews Hotels & Co will continue to be a leader in this area and make sure that the offerings we create not only taste as good as they look, but even better are made with items that matter.

Dish of Scallops | Loews Hotels

Flavor by Loews Hotels

Flavor by Loews Hotels

We partner with our cities’ most creative food and beverage artisans so you can enjoy the best of the local culture from the comfort of our hotels.
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A Close Up Of A Bunch Of Purple Flowers

Loews Loves Local Farmers

Loews Loves Local Farmers

Part of being a good neighbor is about supporting the farmers near and around where our hotels reside.
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Salad | Loews Hotels

Sustainability & Bio-Dynamic

Sustainability & Bio-Dynamic

We work diligently to ensure that our food and beverage items are safe for the environment and created with the best quality product available.
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